MSWin Kontact suite

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Thu Sep 12 08:11:50 BST 2019

Daniel Vrátil wrote:

> For official Kontact for Windows to be a thing, we would need someone willing
> to test and use it regularly and take care of the port (providing
> Windows-specific insight to Linux developers, create an installer, etc.).

Of course, and sadly I cannot be that person; my MSWin device is one of those 
Atom-based hybrids (tablet with removable keyboard) which is just powerful 
enough to run the OS :-/

I'd be happy enough with the Kolab E14 build but after installing it and before 
even configuring any accounts something in the payload started generating or 
causing spurious right-click events. So back off it went :(


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