Considering to switch away from KDEPIM/Akonadi

Matthias Müller matth_mueller_hbg at
Sat Apr 6 23:07:51 BST 2019


Am Samstag, 6. April 2019, 11:03:04 CEST schrieb Dominique Dumont:
> I've just switched from MySQL backend to PostgreSQL (on Debian/unstable) and
> kmail (through kontact) works much better.
I've read a lot of switching from MySQL to MariDB or PostgreSQL or vica versa 
or …

But: How to do that?

I search in the WWW, but found nothing. Maybe I took the wrong expressions or 
searching in German was not the best idea.
Where can I find a Hot-To, just to satisfy my curiosity.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Müller
(Benutzer #439779 im Linux-Counter
PS: Bitte senden Sie als Antwort auf meine E-Mails reine Text-Nachrichten!
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