kmail sigh

Pablo Sanchez pablo at
Mon Jan 29 14:22:16 GMT 2018

[ Comments below, in-line ]

On Mon, 29 Jan 2018 14:12:35 +0000, Ianseeks wrote:

> On Monday, 29 January 2018 12:04:57 GMT Pablo Sanchez wrote:
>> [ Comments below, in-line ]
>> On Mon, 29 Jan 2018 12:45:59 +0100, Sandro Knauß wrote:
>>> [ trimmed ]
>>> Did anyone have made a measurement for the different back ends?
>> ;)
>> AFAIK, it's only been 'feelings' that it's faster.  I'm with you, 
>> it shouldn't make a difference which back-end you use.  But as I 
>> had not performed any data collection, I have just kept quiet.  :p
> Its not just a feeling with akonadictl operations, its a lot faster 
> but with kmail itself, it does seem a little faster so that might be 
> subjective.


If in fact mysql is slower compared to pg, we should be able to 
instrument and literally see why that's the case.

On my TODO is to set up a kmail development sandbox and work on the DB 
side of things .... but this has a lot of pre-work.  While I'm a 
database weenie, it's been eons since I've done any C/C++.  Because of 
this, I've been slacking and doing other hacking.  ;)

I'm currently a tbird user but would love to get back to kmail.


Pablo Sanchez - Blueoak Database Engineering, Inc
Ph:    819.459.1926        iNum:  883.5100.0990.1054

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