kmail sigh

John White john at
Sun Jan 28 21:00:12 GMT 2018

comments below

On Sunday, January 28, 2018 9:21:24 PM PST tic wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018, 20:52:42 CET schrieb Anders Lund:
> > Back in kmail, after switching internet provider to something that should
> > be supported.
> > 
> > It worked fine for a week or two, but today, things started to feel ugly.
> > New mails does not show up, pressing the "check mail" button is, as it was
> > since the unfortunate akonadi showed up, unbearably slow. As is just
> > fetching a mail. Kmail/akonadi appears to do lots of other stuff, instead
> > of fetching the mail I want to view.
> > 
> > Damned, because there is really no nice alternatives.
> > 
> > When can we have akonadi-free kmail?
> I often read comments like that and wonder why I have never really
> experienced all those troubles that so many users seem to have. I've been
> using kmail since the late 90s and it did not work as expected from time to
> time but it was acceptable and the problems resolved themselves somehow
> over time. Sometimes new setup of the whole distribution changed things for
> the better (or worse) sometimes updates.
> But I just used kmail with akonadi all along with imap setups and cannot
> confirm those major problems like yours Anders.
> I don't want to belittle your experience Anders but I felt the developers'd
> like to see a positive comment once in a while.
> best
> Manfred

Though I had my problems with akonadi a year or two ago, they seemed to have 
worked themselves out on my pop3 system. Kmail may not be perfect but its damn 
good. I too have used it for years and though I tried other email clients on 
occasion, I always switched back to kmail.


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