kmail sharing tags

Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso taberalf at
Tue Feb 6 16:26:06 GMT 2018

Hi all,

Does anyone know a way to share akonadi user tags among akonadi instances? I have 
several computers sharing accounts (both imap and synchronized maildirs).

I would love to share tags among the computers but It seems it is not possible. As far as I 
know, the imap protocol is not really prepared to deal with this case. Concerning the 
maildir case, I wrote a python script that reads the akonadi database and saves the tags 
in custom xattrs of the mail files and, moreover, save them in a notmuch database, but I 
do not feel confident to do the reverse, read xattrs and store tags in the akonadi 
database, since I am afraid that touching the database can easily break things.

Any idea of how to accomplish this?


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