Goodbye for now, kmail

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Tue May 9 14:21:52 BST 2017

On Tuesday May 09 2017 14:56:40 Gianluca Montecchi wrote:

>Ok, I know of Trinity, but to me it seems stupid to ditch the
>now stable kde4/plasma5 just to have a working kmail installation:
>it is way better to ditch kmail and install claw/thunderbird/whatever. 

It shouldn't be necessary to switch to a Trinity desktop to use its kmail version. Just uninstall the current kmail and all its dependencies, and install kmail/trinity with its dependencies and you should be set. That's no different than installing claws or thunderbird (from source).

It should also be possible to install KDEPIM4 on a Plasma5 desktop, as long as you don't have more recent akonadi and/or kdepim versions installed.

>And I am also looking into Kube, but until there is no support for POP3 is a 
>no-go for me.

Keep an eye out also on the way it manages passwords!

Just for giggles: those of you looking for an alternative that's neither claws nor thunderbird could check out ;)


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