Getting to the bugs (was: Re: Goodbye for now, kmail)

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Sat May 6 09:49:55 BST 2017

René J.V. Bertin - 06.05.17, 10:42:
> >Sometimes I wonder whether it makes sense to invite users that have
> >machines  that have these issues to a sprint like event in case they want
> >to work
> Hah, a KDE Genius Bar? :)
> Not a bad idea, but you have to have a special psychology to put up with and
> really delve into issues with otherman's machines!

Well I do think that only works with users who are willing to be constructive 
enough about it. Its totally understandable to be frustrated when things do 
not work as expected. But the ranting I have seen in bug reports is in no way 
helping here.


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