Bad Signature upon PGP signing

Vishnu V. Krishnan vishnugb at
Sat May 6 05:40:03 BST 2017

I use Evolution on a machine running Gnome, and KMail on a machine running
KDE. I'd observed that when I used Evolution to look at (PGP-signed) messages
that were sent using KMail, it gave me a 'Bad Signature' message.
	So at first, I thought it was an Evolution issue; after some back and
forth with Milan Crha at Gnome, he seemed to suggest that the issue was with
the way KMail performed content encoding.

I had reported the following bug a while back:

But no one else has responded/triage-d/confirmed it. Did I report it for the
wrong component?

Is anyone else facing this issue?

OpenPGP fingerprint: 5015 1D4C 9BDF 9062 A9E1 62CB 5B1F4BEE7EED7131

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