FTP with SSL/TLS in Dolphin

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Sun Jan 29 11:17:21 GMT 2017

Am Sonntag, 29. Januar 2017, 12:01:18 CET schrieb Werner Joss:
> Am Sonntag, 29. Januar 2017, 11:32:25 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > If you have SSH access you can also use sftp:// or fish:// (File In
> > SHell).
> this advice will probably not be of any use for the OP, because he asked for
> ftps, which is completely different from sftp or fish.

That is exactly why I wrote: "If you have SSH access". I am aware that FTPS is 
a different protocol.

> for ftps, AFAIK there is no special dolphin implementation.
> dolphin should use an installed ftps-kio slave if that is available.
> so the OP should look for an ftps-kio package.
> mine here is:
> kio-ftps 	0.2+dfsg-2+b1		amd64        an ftps KIO slave for KDE 4

Which appears to be for KDE SC 4 and is not available in Debian Sid:

> rmadison kio-ftps | cut -c1-72
kio-ftps   | 0.2+dfsg-2    | oldstable       | source, armhf, s390x
kio-ftps   | 0.2+dfsg-2    | stable          | source, arm64, armhf, ppc
kio-ftps   | 0.2+dfsg-2    | stable-kfreebsd | source
kio-ftps   | 0.2+dfsg-2+b1 | oldstable       | amd64, armel, i386, ia64,
kio-ftps   | 0.2+dfsg-2+b1 | stable          | amd64, armel, i386, mips,
kio-ftps   | 0.2+dfsg-2+b1 | stable-kfreebsd | kfreebsd-amd64, kfreebsd-

Also it is no official KIO as it appears to be packages by Debian KDE Extras 
team. Upstream link in package description does not exist anymore (as Berlios 
is no more). It appears to be on Sourceforge, but last update to this project 
seems to have been in June 2014[1]. So this means that yes for KDE SC 4 there 
appears to be something, but unless someone implements it, there appears to be 
no FTPS support in Plasma / KF 5.

On Debian Sid I consequently get unknown protocol for FTPS in Dolphin.

[1] https://sourceforge.net/projects/kasablanca.berlios/


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