"Retrieving Folders..." hang and a possible solution

Joshua J. Kugler joshua at joshuakugler.com
Thu Feb 9 06:34:08 GMT 2017

On Sunday, February 5, 2017 1:52:59 PM AKST Luca Beltrame wrote:
> Il giorno Sun, 05 Feb 2017 11:27:06 +0100
> Martin Steigerwald <martin at lichtvoll.de> ha scritto:
> > 2) Selecting all mails in one folder in order to move tham or do
> > something else with them. It already takes several seconds of KMail
> FTR: With regards to IMAP, currently Akonadi does copy+delete, but 17.04
> will bring actual move (if supported by the IMAP server) so things
> should be faster on the IMAP side.

Just a quick note...please do not use Ubuntu version numbers, but use KDE and 
KMail version numbers so we know which version you're referring to. :)


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