search and indexing in kmail and contacts dead again

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Wed Feb 8 03:11:36 GMT 2017

On 02/07/17 21:06, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Monday 06 February 2017 22:17:22 O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> after some upgrades and so on I can yet again not:
>> 1. use distribution lists
>> 2. search email (no result whatsoever)
>> 3. use anything but "recent contacts" or "found in your data" in Kmail
>> I have deleted and renamed baloorc a few times, no luck. I am fed up
>> with akonadictl this or that but have obviously tried that to.
>> Any pointers to get dist lists and search working are welcome. This is
>> Kubuntu 16.04 with KDE 5.8 and Kmail 5.2.3
> I thought I was doing something wrong, but apparently I don't. :(
> I'm using a newly installed (about a week ago) Kubuntu 16.04 with
> ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports.
> I observe(d):
> * zero results when I did a search
> * auto-completion of email addresses not working
> Very disappointing.
> Local subscription of IMAP folders also appears to be completely broken,
> i.e. unsubscribing some folders has no effect, they are still shown.
Yes, I am having the folder issue as well - I have an office365.comm 
account for business and it is showered with folders that are totally 
useless outside Outlook. Removed them (tried to rather) a few times but 
as nothing happens I have given up for now

kind regards, Sinclair

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