Akonadi dsaster

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Fri Oct 14 21:09:52 BST 2016

Am Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016, 09:12:10 CEST schrieb Daniel Vrátil:
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 10:12:42 AM CEST Michael Mol wrote:
> > A *huge* chunk of this, for me, turned out to be in the abysmal MySQL
> > configuration it defaults to. I posted about it on Google+ and on /r/kde
> > several months ago. https://plus.google.com/+MichaelMolG/posts/HQQH6RHhLNw
> > 
> > I'll note my understanding of Akonadi has improved slightly since I wrote
> > that; I wasn't able to find where Akonadi's MySQL configuration was kept,
> > so I switched out to using a system mysqld.That's not necessary if you
> > know where Akonadi sources its MySQL configuration from.
> > 
> > I'll also add that I'm syncing nearly a decade's worth of email from GMail
> > into Akonadi, hundreds of thousands of emails. People without as much
> > email
> > history likely won't see the same kind of performance difficulties I do.
> > 
> > Here's the relevant excerpt:
> > 
> > Altogether, here are the changes I've made:
> > 
> > In my.cnf
> <snip>
> Oooo, this looks quite interesting, thanks.
> The major problem with the default database configuration is to find the
> right balance. If you go too high, regular users who only have a gmail with
> a few emails with funny cat gifs and powerpoint presentations will complain
> that we use to much resources. On the other hand if we go too low, power
> users will complain that their 2 million emails from 10 years of kernel
> mailing list takes ages to load. Striking the right balance is hard.
> There is a good point that we could probably increase all the default values
> a bit since the computers are generally better equipped nowadays that they
> were some 5 years ago, but again, we need to be rather conservative about
> that.
> I would like to see some sort of a self-balancing configuration, where the
> database could "suggest" optimal settings based on long-time load and
> available hardware resources. That would magically solve the issue described
> above, but that's more of a day-dreaming :-)

Well mysqltuner.pl is a script that recommends optimum configuration values. 
For my Akonadi db it recommends a much higher InnoDB buffer pool size than the 
default in Akonadi´s MySQL configuration – one could use the algorithm in that 
script as a base to suggest a value.

> Pablo made a good point elsewhere in this thread about the ridiculous amount
> of queries we do. I've added some more optimizations to master recently to
> speed up some things, but there's still a long way to go :(

Thank you for looking into this.

I wonder where Akonadi´s successor thing that Kubemail uses is right now. I 
bet it will take quite some while till eventually it can replace Akonadi.


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