Akonadi disaster

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Oct 8 09:36:47 BST 2016

Am Samstag, 8. Oktober 2016, 06:37:20 CEST schrieb O. Sinclair:
> > I think that any mount of requesting "make KMail not use Akonadi" is a
> > complete waste of energy and time and has no potential to change the
> > situation of the one who does the requesting.
> For me this started with the Plasma5 version. In whatever version I was 
> using in KDE4 I had very few problems, mainly to do with filtering. But 
> right now I have ghost mails all over, certain mails appear in different 
> folders, akonadi_imaap eat 20% of my CPU
> It constantly reimportant my accounts from the cache (I guess, it could 
> be from the database).
> And as noted, Contacts search and so on went belly up again, dist lists 
> are not working. Again.
> The basic problem is: it is a too complex and fragile chain that quite 
> often breaks on an upgrade. And that is not how an otherwise fantastic 
> mail client should work.
> no offence meant to the devs in any way but my hair is getting greyer by 
> the day at the moment as I have to go on either webmail or my android 
> phone to check that I am not missing out on important business mail.

My main question is:

Why do our experiences differ that much? Cause answering this may lead to a 
way which you can use to make your setup more stable instead of going through 
the same pain again and again.

I did not recreate Akonadi setup for at least half a year, I bet even a year 
at least. Actually I don´t know when I last wiped my Akonadi setup. For my 
private mail I think it was more than a year ago, cause… it is a *ton of work* 
to get all the filters pointing to the right folders again (an issue I reported 
in bugs.kde.org). For my work related IMAP with exchange, I may have had it 
recreate database within the last year, but these times I usually just 
akonadictl fsck ; akonadictl vacuum once in a while, if at all. akonadictl 
vacuum is a nice way to defragment the database on BTRFS – not really needed 
here as I use SSDs, but I am also thankful for any byte it reclaims as my SSDs 
are pretty full at the moment.

So while its not perfect for me for reasons I outlined, I do not see anything 
even remotely near the kind of catastrophic failures you see and I wonder why 
that is. For starters I suggest you use at least the versions of Akonadi and 
KMail I am using (see my other mail).


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