Lost emails during akonadi database rebuild

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Tue Aug 30 20:17:43 BST 2016

On Tuesday 30 August 2016 11:32:40 ianseeks wrote:
> HI
> Due to my kmail (Version 5.3.0 (QtWebEngine)) crashing at will every few
> minutes (and akonadi server had its restart issues last week), i thought i'd
> clear out the akonadi database and let it all rebuild from scratch in the
> hope it might help kmail. I did the following (i followed this link
> https://
> docs.kde.org/stable5/en/kdepim/kmail/clean-start-after-a-failed-migration.h
> tml - which may have been the wrong thing to do):-
> Akonadictl stop
> ~/.local/share/akonadi
> ~/.config/akonadi
> akonadictl start
> I've now got a load of emails back but only starting from about May this
> year and i should have had emails going back years. The lost emails are not
> an issue because its just mailing list stuff but i was under the impression
> that the akonadi database was separate from the emails so i should not have
> lost any. Was this an incorrect belief?

No, yes, depends. :/

Under certain circumstances, due to bugs, it could happen that some messages 
were never written to disk (for local accounts) or to the IMAP server. These 
messages were only held in Akonadi's database. This is not by design, but due 
to bugs. For example, there was a longstanding bug where only the first of 
multiple messages that are moved to a local folder was actually written to 

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