[kdepim-users] rant

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Thu Jan 29 14:00:03 GMT 2015

Am Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015, 12:43:50 schrieb René J.V. Bertin:
> On Thursday January 29 2015 11:43:48 O. Sinclair wrote:
> > I have compiled a few things before so I am wondering where I find the
> > mentioned code? Currently I am on Kubuntu 14.10 KDE 4.14.2 with
> > Akonadi
> > 1.13.0-ubuntu2 according to package manager
> Oh, that makes things a lot simpler if you're on Ubuntu. Read up on how
> to create and use your own PPAs on launchpad and then get the sources
> from my PPA to which I'll link below. Using launchpad has the advantage
> that you only have to bother with the packaging, not with the actual
> building. If you don't want to bother with things like public keys
> however, you can follow these rough guidelines, many of which are also
> required for the PPA approach:
> %> sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev devscripts
> %> sudo apt-get build-dep akonadi
> Next, go to
> https://launchpad.net/~rjvbertin/+archive/ubuntu/kdepim/+packages ,
> click on the akonadi package, and get the akonadi*.orig.tar.xz and
> akonadi*.debian.tar.gz files. Unpack the first in a new directory,
> chdir into the akonadi directory, and unpack the second
> (.debian.tar.gz) archive. Open debian/changelog and replace "trusty"
> with "utopic" on the 1st line. Or better, do %> dch -v
> 1.13.0-ubuntu2-ppa1
> and ensure the 1st line of the new changelog entry says Utopic where the
> previous entry says Trusty. Next, open debian/control and remove
> clang-3.5 from the build dependencies, then edit debian/rules to remove
> the 4 lines starting with "export CC=" (or else you'll have to install
> clang 3.5). Then, simply enter

Does this contain the database performance improvements I mentioned?

Anyway, I don´t bother with building a package right now, I just compile 
to /usr/local.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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