[kdepim-users] Work-around to issues with Akonadi file based caching (was: Re: rant)

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Feb 28 10:35:06 GMT 2015

Am Freitag, 27. Februar 2015, 18:59:53 schrieb E. Hakan Duran:
> Hi Martin,
> I ended up resetting kdepim as recommended by the kde website, which I
> cannot remember the address at the moment. What I essentially did was
> to rename the folders ~/.local/share/akonadi and ~/.config/akonadi to
> akonadi.old. Then all mail and calendar agents were gone but the
> identities were somehow retained (thankfully). I redefined all mail and
> calendar accounts afterwards, and set the size threshold to 32768 :).
> Of course it took a while to rebuild the database, but since then I am
> able to maintain the size of the folder file_db_data at 1.6 GB
> independent of the duration of akonadi staying on.
> I have been using my ~ folder since fedora 15, i.e. about 6 years and
> although I don't have any evidence of file corruption I tend to think
> that certain subtle changes in config files etc. between versions of
> even the same flavor of linux may make programs act bizarre. For
> example, I had an untrusted certificate issue with my Citrix account
> form this same computer, and no matter how much I troubleshooted, I
> just couldn't get it work. Finally, letting Firefox recreating the
> ~/.mozilla folder solved everything :). So that was what inspired me to
> do this.
> Thank you for sharing your solution with me. I am quite content at the
> moment, and although I would welcome a more responsive kdepim, it is
> functional enough for me to enjoy its customizibility. I know it is not
> possible, but I really wish I could make donations specifically to
> kdepim.

Nice to read that it works now for you.

I hope some day it won´t be necessary to reset things anymore just to make 
things work. I know KDEPIM developers do not like users to reset things 
like this, but I read again and again that it worked for them.

This is why I hope Akonadi Next will be simpler to understand and more 
robust in long-term operation.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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