[kdepim-users] YAFKM Day 2

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 05:06:06 BST 2013

On 26/06/2013 22:51, Jerome Yuzyk wrote:
> So a fresh day arises and I try my migration again. I (hopefully) clear out
> all traces of what I've done already with this script:
>    akonadictl stop
>    ps ux | grep akonadi
>    read ans
>    rm -rf ~/.local/share/akonadi/*
>    rm -rf ~/.config/akonadi
>    rm ~/.kde/share/config/akonadi*
>    rm ~/.kde/share/config/kmail2rc
>    rm ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc
>    rm ~/.kde/share/config/emailidentities
>    rm ~/.kde/share/config/emaildefaults
>    rm ~/.kde/share/config/mailtransports
> Is this thorough enough?
> Then I restart akonadi.
> 378 ad-template  akonadictl start
> and I get this dumped to the Konsole:
> Connecting to deprecated signal
> QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
> QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'initConnection' is still
> in use, all queries will cease to work.
> QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'initConnection' is still
> in use, all queries will cease to work.
> Connecting to deprecated signal
> QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
> search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin", "/usr/lib64/ccache",
> "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin", "/usr/games", "/usr/local/sbin",
> "/usr/sbin", "/home/jerome/.local/bin", "/home/jerome/bin")
> search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/usr/lib/kde4/plugins",
> "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
> "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin", "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/",
> "/usr/lib64/kde4/")
> search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/usr/lib/kde4/plugins",
> "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
> "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin", "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/",
> "/usr/lib64/kde4/")
> search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/usr/lib/kde4/plugins",
> "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
> "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin", "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/",
> "/usr/lib64/kde4/")
> search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/usr/lib/kde4/plugins",
> "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
> "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin", "/home/jerome/.kde/lib64/kde4/",
> "/usr/lib64/kde4/")
> AkonadiAgentServer(15894)/libakonadi
> Akonadi::CollectionSync::Private::findUnprocessedLocalCollections: Found
> unprocessed local node without remoteId, excluding from deletion
> WTF #1. I've had this nearly every time I restart akonadi so I press on.
> I go into akonadi configuration and re-point Local Folders to my ~/Mail.
> Nothing happens - no indexing, no CPU activity, nothing. WTF #2.
> Then I start KMail and get the new install greeting but none of my folders
> showing up.  WTF #3.
> I decide to try importing from ~/Mail. This proceeds fairly smoothly but I
> get lots of these: (WTF #4)
> AkonadiAgentServer(15894) MaildirResource::maildirForCollection: Got
> incomplete ancestor chain: Collection ID: 28    remote ID: ""
>     name: "Operations"
>     url: KUrl("akonadi://?collection=28")
>     parent: 27 ""
>     resource: "akonadi_maildir_resource_0"
>     rights: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10|0x20)
>     contents mime type: ("message/rfc822", "inode/directory")
>     isVirtual: false
>      CachePolicy:
>     inherit: true
>     interval: -1
>     timeout: 1
>     sync on demand: true
>     local parts: ("ENVELOPE")
>      CollectionStatistics:
>     count: -1
>     unread count: -1
>     size: -1
> QDir::mkpath: Empty or null file name(s)
> I also get them whenever I restart akonadi.
> After importing I move messages and folders into the tree I got at KMail
> fresh startup. Every time I pick a folder I get a popup message telling me
> Local Folders: Maildir '' for collection '' is invalid.
> WTF #5.
> Fortunately I can open and close KMail and see messages in folders and
> content from my messages, so I'm somewhat advanced.
> But how advanced actually? And where is my mail actually living now? And is
> it worth proceeding further given the errors that keep coming up?
> _______________________________________________
After removing Akonadi et al I would also remove nepomuk, remove any 
accounts and just start afresh. Your accounts connect to Akonadi, you 
remove akonadi and you get confusion

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