[kdepim-users] Address completion in Kmail 4.10.2 [SOLVED?]

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 07:23:45 BST 2013

On 16/08/2013 06:41, O. Sinclair wrote:
> On 15/08/2013 22:36, Maurice wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 19:53:59 +0200, O. Sinclair wrote:
>>> on my 4.10.5 system I have to start that feeder on every boot
>>    What is the command to do that, please?
>>    (And why doesn't the system do that automatically, one wonders...)
> if you do not want to do it via Akonadiconsole here is cli command:
> qdbus org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control /AgentManager
> org.freedesktop.Akonadi.AgentManager.restartAgentInstance
> "akonadi_nepomuk_feeder"
> all in one line of course
> you can put it in a script to autostart, for some reason that does not
> work for me though
Here are 2 scripts that work for me, the first to be put as autostarting 
and then calling the second:


#Restart ANF in the background, don't block KDE start-up
/home/sinclair/scripts/delayRestartANF.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &

second script (delayRestartANF.sh)

#Give nepomuk and akonadi time (in seconds) to start
sleep 15

#Check status of ANF
FeederStatus=`qdbus org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Agent.akonadi_nepomuk_feeder 
/ org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Agent.Status.isOnline`

#If status still false
if [ "$FeederStatus" = "false" ];then
   #Restart ANF
   qdbus org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control /AgentManager 

obviously change location of script to whatever you prefer and on how 
much sleep is needed you need to experiment

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