[kdepim-users] Please, help with kmail multiple errors

leonp at plris.com leonp at plris.com
Sat Sep 29 22:39:38 BST 2012

Hello, Andras.
I returned to the beginning: deleted all akonadi files, started it, opened
kmail and redirected the default account to my mail directory. The result
is the same - on each folder I receive the message:

AkonadiAgentServer(16479) MaildirResource::maildirForCollection: Got
incomplete ancestor chain: Collection ID: 26    remote ID: ""
   name: "sent-mail"
   url: KUrl("akonadi://?collection=26")
   parent: 23 "/home/leonp/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/"
   resource: "akonadi_maildir_resource_0"
   rights: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10|0x20)
   contents mime type: ("message/rfc822", "inode/directory")
   inherit: true
   interval: -1
   timeout: 1
   sync on demand: true
   local parts: ("ENVELOPE")
   count: -1
   unread count: -1
   size: -1

while akonadi tray shows:
Local Folders: Maildir '' for collection '' is invalid.

At this point I decided to try your second way - move all the content to
the default account.

After many many retries of this process and moving/copying folders to and
fro I have now silently working kmail dir tree.

BUT: there is no "trash" folder and where are the deleted messages going -
God knows...:-)
There is also no "drafts' folder, but this is less important...

Thank you very much!!!!!
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