[kdepim-users] [Akregator] Making fonts bigger in Articleoverview

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Fri Aug 3 16:01:43 BST 2012

Am Freitag, 3. August 2012 schrieb Sascha Manns:
> Hello Listmates,

Hi Sascha,

> Akregator has three main-views. On the left the sources, then the
> articleoverview and the articleview.
> Ist it possible to make the fonts in articleoverview bigger?

Ctrl + makes it bigger, Ctrl - smaller – like in webbrowsers. But only if 
this works. I.e. it worked in some versions, then it didn´t work in some 
versions, then it worked again and now it doesn´t work again. I did not 
yet made out a pattern to is.

Then there is Akregator settings and „Erscheinungsbild“ (display settings 
in english?) where you can specify a range for font sizes just as in 

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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