[kdepim-users] Two problems

Anne Wilson annew at kde.org
Tue Mar 30 12:33:22 BST 2010

On Tuesday 30 March 2010 11:09:54 John Aldrich wrote:
> First problem, ever since switching to Kontact from straight KMail, I have
> started seeing IMAP errors. I'm not sure if this is because I have not
> enabled "Groupware" resources or if it's a bug in Kontact since 4.4.

IMAP as such works fine, so can you tell us more about how you have set it up 
before?  Did you use groupware?  If so, tell us as much as you can.

> Second, the CTL+SHIFT+N shortcut for "new message to mailing list" no
> longer works. Kontact / KMail claims that it's "ambiguous" and that I need
> to configure it. However, when I go to "configure shortcuts" that's the
> default key sequence for "new message to mailing list." Anyone got any clue
> what's up with that or how to fix it?

Presumably it means that something else as well is using that short-cut.  If 
you can't find the conflict you may have to re-configure it for kmail.

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