[kdepim-users] Self signed server certificate and kmail

Bruce MacArthur bmacasuru at fastmail.us
Sun Jun 14 22:42:13 BST 2009

On Sunday 14 June 2009 13:34, Spiros Georgaras wrote:
> Hi all
> This is a problem I'm experiencing with kmail (v. 1.11.4) and one of
> my mail service providers. I have set up kmai to check every 1 min
> for new messages on this account
> Some time ago, kmail started popping up this windows with a message:
> The certificate authority's certificate is invalid
> The root certificate authority's certificate is not trusted for this
> purpose The certificate cannot be verified for internal reasons
> When this happens,  I press "go on" (something like that, it's
> localized) and then "Accept this certificate forever" or "Accept this
> certificate for the current session only".
> No matter what I press, the same window pops up again next time kmail
> checks for new messages, and I have to do the same thing all over
> again, which is really annoying...
> I have already contacted my mail provider (it's a LUG here in Greece)
> and I was told that this happens because their certificate is a
> self-signed one
> My question is: is there a way to make kmail really "accept" this
> certificate "for ever", and never bother me again with it in the
> future?

Hello, Spiros --
This topic is NOT one in which I am "strong" -- but allow me to ask a 
question.  Have you gone to "KMail --> Settings --> Configure KMail --> 
Security --> S/MIME Validation" and reviewed all of your settings?  I 
suspect this might address the specific problem you cite.  
Unfortunately, there is also the possibility that it will merely CHANGE 
your problem -- by allowing things through your security settings that 
you would prefer to keep OUT.  But, perhaps, it is a start!

布鲁&#26031  麦克阿&#29791
Bruce   Mac Arthur
15875 Switzer
Overland Park, KS 66221
     bmacasuru at fastmail.us
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