[kdepim-users] kmail can't be reconfigured on either F10 nor on mdv2010

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Dec 26 17:58:48 GMT 2009

On Saturday 26 December 2009, James Kerr wrote:
>On Saturday 26 December 2009 Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Greetings all;
>> Since the most recent updates by both fedora for F10, which is
>>  EOL'd now, nor for mdv 2010-x86-64, I cannot edit the
>>  kmail->config kmail->accounts->send screens, nothing I do on
>>  either machine in 3 different account entries will un-ghost the
>>  apply button.
>> Its working on F10, but I'm trying to move to a 64 bit mandriva
>>  2010 install.
>Your second paragraph seems to conflict with the subject. Assuming
>that the second paragraph is correct, then did you copy your kmail
>config files from F10 to Mandriva? If so, are you using the same
>UID/GID on both systems? IIRC, they use different defaults. You may
>need to change the ownership of your kmail config files.

I mounted this F10 installs /home to a mint 8 install as its own /home, and 
chown -R gene:gene the whole gene tree there, gained root and monted /root to 
the mint 8 /mnt tree and using mc, copied the root version of kmailrc over 
the top of the mint 8 version in /home/gene and chown gene:gene kmailrc.  
Which didn't work rather spectacularly.  So I rebooted to F10 and did as root 
'chown -R gene:gene /home/gene' which seemed to restore the /home stuff here.

I'm uid/gid=0 here, 500:500 on the mdv install.  Trying to break myself of 
running as root. :-)  Only been doing it since RH5.1...

What I did on the mdv install was to mount this drive, then used mc to copy 
the  /root... kmailrc to the /home/gene/.kde tree and chown  gene:gene 
kmailrc.  While kmail was not running.

That got all my folders back when kmail was restarted, and the mail filters 
that sort it all to the various folders also works, but I cannot modify any 
config data, apparently on either install now.  Wierd.

I suppose mc could have munged something in the perms numbers preventing gene 
from updating his own file?  Haven't checked yet, been too darned real around 
here this morning so far.  What should an ls -l show for kmailrc when its 
owned by a common user?

Here on F10, its owned by root of course:
-rw------- 1 root root 141234 2009-12-26 12:51 kmailrc

And that looks pretty restrictive for anybody else.  But I should be able to 
update it.

Thanks James.

Cheers, Gene
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HELP!!!! I'm being held prisoner in /usr/games/lib!
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