[kdepim-users] Editing Handbook

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Wed Mar 19 07:04:20 GMT 2008

> I see many places where I can change and improve the KDE-PIM handbook.
> How does one aquire write access to it? Or should I send my
> improvements to someone?

I guess it would be best to first send patches to the appropriate devel-list,
which would be kde-pim in this case.
once your contributions have been checked and accepted by a regular
developer, they will be applied.

> I understand that I will need SVN software to access the docs. What is
> the prefered SVN software of contributors on this list?

well, svn is basically available at http://subversion.tigris.org/,
but you should be able to install it with the package tool of your distro
(e.g. aptitude on debian based distros).
if you prefer a gui app over CLI, you can additionally install
a frontend like kdesvn
(http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kdesvn?content=26589) and use that.

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