[kdepim-users] Understanding recurring ToDo items

phep phep-lists at teletopie.net
Wed Mar 19 21:12:15 GMT 2008

Dotan Cohen a écrit :
> does me absolutely no good. I cannot at a glance see which items I
> have finished and which I have not yet finished this week. I will file

More precisely you can see what still have to be done (next recurrence) 
but it is true that you're not shown what you're already done with, right ?

> a RFE to have this rectified. Are there any use cases where the
> current behaviour is preferable?

Yes, for those who don't mind with tasks done : with the current 
behaviour they don't need to purge past events manually ;-) That's why I 
would suggest that the behaviour you describe should be an (useful) option.


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