[kdepim-users] bug with Important / To Do marked mails?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 13:16:43 GMT 2008

I have 2 folders at the bottom of my folder list named "Important" and 
"To Do", these are Search Folders. Before when I marked some mail 
Important or To Do they would show up in these folders and also slow 
Kontact to a crawl when starting the app.

It still does the slowing down thing but I can now only mark email as 
"Important" or "Action Item". if I mark as "Action Item" they show up in 
To Do folder after a while. If I mark them as "Important" they don't 
show in Important folder.

They do not get erased from "Expiry" set folders however.

Anyone can replicate this or is it just me? Running Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy 
with Kontact version 1.2.4 (enterprise 0.20070907.709405)

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