[kdepim-users] Kontact keyboard navigation

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 17:36:33 GMT 2008

On 10/02/2008, Marcelo Magno T. Sales <mmtsales at gmail.com> wrote:
> Em Dom 10 Fev 2008, Dotan Cohen escreveu:
> > As my ability to manipulate the mouse deteriorates, I'm more and more
>  > dependent on the keyboard. Some of the things that I still cannot
>  > figure out how to do with the keyboard are:
>  >
>  > 1) Focus the Kontact search bar. I can in fact Tab over to it, but is
>  > there not a key that will focus it? Hitting the Tab key the correct
>  > amount of times is not always as easy as it sounds.
> Doesn't the hotkey for this field working for you? Here, using Kontact
>  in Portuguese, the search field's label is "Procurar", with an
>  underlined "o". So, ALT+O put the focus in this field.

In Hebrew, there is no underlined letter. I tried ALT with all three
letters of the
 word Search (חפש) but non focused the field. I also tried with S, no do.

>  > 2) When editing a contact, how does one move between tabs? Such as
>  > General, Details, etc.


>  > 3) When editing a contact, in the details tab, there is a Notes
>  > field. I can easily tab INTO the
>  > field, but once there the Tab key enters tab characters. How to leave
>  > that field with the keyboard?

That was creative! I can then SHIFT-TAB my way around to OK, but that is tiring!

>  > 4) In Kalendar, I can't do anything with the keyboard! My most common
>  > workflow is simply looking at the week view (7 days). I just need to
>  > move back and forward a week. After the Tab leaves the Month||Year
>  > back||forward buttons, I have no idea where the focus goes. Nothing
>  > on the screen gives any indication, and the arrow keys do not do
>  > anything for 7 tabs.
> It goes to the details for the selected event, then goes to the buttons
>  of the panel where your calendar resources are shown, then it goes to
>  the resources list, then to the events area, then to the status bar and
>  after that it goes again to the month/year back/forward buttons. The
>  only place where there's no visual indication of where is the focus is
>  on the events panel. At the other places there are indications,
>  although some are hard to note.

Thanks. For me there is _no_ clue, unless the focus is on the buttons
of the calander. I have had three people try to find the ant trails.
They not there, but that could be a quirk of the RTL interface. It has
many quirks!

Er, is it known how to move the week forward and back?

>  > 5) In ToDo, how can I change the Sort column? That means, if the ToDo
>  > list is currently sorted by date, how can I have it sort by Priority?
>  > And back?
> Here I can't help you. Don't know if this is possible without using the
>  mouse.

This is, in the meantime, a minor detail. I can live with date-only sort.

Thanks for the help! I very much appreciate the tips and assistance.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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