[kdepim-users] Kontact keyboard navigation

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 17:22:36 GMT 2008

Em Dom 10 Fev 2008, Dotan Cohen escreveu:
> As my ability to manipulate the mouse deteriorates, I'm more and more
> dependent on the keyboard. Some of the things that I still cannot
> figure out how to do with the keyboard are:
> 1) Focus the Kontact search bar. I can in fact Tab over to it, but is
> there not a key that will focus it? Hitting the Tab key the correct
> amount of times is not always as easy as it sounds.

Doesn't the hotkey for this field working for you? Here, using Kontact 
in Portuguese, the search field's label is "Procurar", with an 
underlined "o". So, ALT+O put the focus in this field.

> 2) When editing a contact, how does one move between tabs? Such as
> General, Details, etc.

> 3) When editing a contact, in the details tab, there is a Notes
> field. I can easily tab INTO the
> field, but once there the Tab key enters tab characters. How to leave
> that field with the keyboard?

> 4) In Kalendar, I can't do anything with the keyboard! My most common
> workflow is simply looking at the week view (7 days). I just need to
> move back and forward a week. After the Tab leaves the Month||Year
> back||forward buttons, I have no idea where the focus goes. Nothing
> on the screen gives any indication, and the arrow keys do not do
> anything for 7 tabs. 
It goes to the details for the selected event, then goes to the buttons 
of the panel where your calendar resources are shown, then it goes to 
the resources list, then to the events area, then to the status bar and 
after that it goes again to the month/year back/forward buttons. The 
only place where there's no visual indication of where is the focus is 
on the events panel. At the other places there are indications, 
although some are hard to note.

> 5) In ToDo, how can I change the Sort column? That means, if the ToDo
> list is currently sorted by date, how can I have it sort by Priority?
> And back?
Here I can't help you. Don't know if this is possible without using the 

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