[kdepim-users] PIM migration from KDE3.5 to KDE4.1

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Dec 29 14:47:58 GMT 2008

On Monday 29 December 2008, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Monday 29 December 2008 01:30:50 Malte Gell wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I'm just running openSUSE 11.1 with KDE4.1
> >
> > Before I used KDE3.5 and its Kontact. What is the most easiest way
> > to migrate my old KMail settings (they r most important),
> > especially all mail folders, the filters i used and the email
> > account settings?
> >
> > And what about the "contacts" from Kontact, can they easily
> > migrate?
> >
> > Can the kdewallet files be continued to use with KDE4?
> Hi,  Malte.  If your old stuff is in ~/.kde  and the new stuff in
> ~/.kde4 it's easy - or the old stuff in a backup somewhere.  There
> are two places to look for files to copy across -
> ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail and ~/.kde/share/config/. From the apps
> directory you will also want kabc for your contacts and kwallet/. 
> From the config directory you will want kmailrc,  emailidentities and
> and kwalletrc.  (I don't see a config file for kabc or kaddressbook
> on this installation, but if there is one, pick that up as well.)
> As long as you are using the kde3-based Kontact it's perfectly safe
> to copy any of these files across.  I suspect that when we get the
> Akonadi version that might change, but we're not there yet.

It shouldn't change. We will provide a smooth upgrade path from the pre-
Akonadi versions to the Akonadi versions.


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