[kdepim-users] Spell Check

Caleb Cushing xenoterracide at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 14:47:19 BST 2008

On Wednesday 02 April 2008 09:31:04 am you wrote:
> I can help with anything where you need something checked on the EeePC, but
> I'm more familiar with rpm systems.  The EeePC runs a customised xandros,
> which is debian based.  Ken is new to linux, so your instructions will have
> to bear that in mind.

Hah, I'm a gentoo user. anyways he should be able to copy and paste into the 
cli. I'll see what I can dig up in a few.

> If you could take over this part of the thread I'd be grateful.  You are
> almost certainly better qualified to help him than I am, though as always
> I'll give any help I can.  Just let me know if you want some info about the
> EeePC.

is ispell/aspell in the repos installed? or does it need more repos?

Caleb Cushing

my blog http://xenoterracide.blogspot.com
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