[kdepim-users] gmail / google apps, dIMAP and kontact

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Thu Apr 3 18:27:24 BST 2008

On Thursday 03 April 2008, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
>On Wednesday 02 April 2008 18:58, (``-_-ยดยด) -- Fernando wrote:
>> 	GMail absorbs the received email if it is the same as the sent, so when
>> sending an email via smtp to your own address, it will only be kept on the
>> Sent folder (and of course on ALL MAIL); To prevent spam, GMail limits its
>> smtp to pre-authorized address (more can be added on Gmail Settings). So
>> if users try sending emails via their GMail smtp account with another FROM
>> address, it will be replaced with the default FROM address. Reply-to can
>> be changed by the user without any problem;
>I switched things over to gmail some time back and ran into one problem that
>was enough of an issue for me that I switched back to using Verizon's
>servers.  I send a message out to a mailing list,  like this one,  and I
> know that it got to the list when I see it showing up there.  As,  I get
> one in that's _from_ the list (not from me).  For some dumb reason google
> has decided that I don't need to see these,  and I never get to know for
> sure whether something I've posted has made it to a list until I start
> getting replies to it.
>An attempt to correspond with them about this was pretty much fruitless.
>Also,  locally I have both stuff from my inbox and stuff from my sent-mail
>folders sorted out into other folders that are pertaining to particular
>individuals that I correspond with.  An attempt to get some similar
>organization going with the stuff that's sitting in the "boxes" at google
>turned out to be an exercise in frustration -- their system would _not_ let
>me do that with some of my correspondence,  I could mark things in the inbox
>as belonging to certain conversations and tell it to archive them and it
>would effectively "move" them to those folders,  but attempting to do the
>same thing with things in the sent-mail folder simply didn't work.
>So apparently you can't choose how you organize your emails there,  it's
> their way or not at all.
>I used gmail as a backup these days,  and poll it maybe once a week,  but
>won't bother with it otherwise.

Silly Q then Roy, or anyone else for that matter.

Is it possible to 'pop' the sent mail folder in addition to the incoming 
folder at google with fetchmail in order to bypass that BS and get oneself at 
least a copy that would prove google got the message and passed it on to the 

I'm not the least allergic to a 4th stanza in my fetchmailrc.

Cheers, Gene
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