[kdepim-users] Spell Check

Ken O'Malley ken_omalley at bellsouth.net
Thu Apr 3 04:56:36 BST 2008


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:cannewilson at googlemail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2:31 PM
To: kdepim-users at kde.org
Subject: Re: [kdepim-users] Spell Check

On Wednesday 02 April 2008 18:00:30 Caleb Cushing wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2008 12:08:39 pm Ken O'Malley wrote:
> > Anne, thanks again.
> no probs. I try to help people learn linux when I can.
> > Caleb, I have an Eee PC 4G Surf model.  Although I am fairly 
> > knowledgeable in Windows I have absolutely no experience with a 
> > Linux system.  I have no idea what your last question is referring 
> > to....  What is "repos"? And thank you for the offer of assistance.
> "repos" is short for repository. most distributions use them (gentoo 
> really doesn't it just has the tree but the overlays are kinda repos).  
> A overly simplified windows analogy is, say download.com, windows 
> update, and best buy. each one would be a place where you can get new 
> software and/or updates and install it. The difference in linux is you 
> don't have to browse the web, or go to the store. you can use tools 
> like synaptic or apt-get to do everything for you. There is no click next
next next reboot.
> > Asus does not include any system documentation with the Eee PC so I 
> > have ordered "Linux Made Easy: The Official Guide to Xandros 3 for 
> > Everyday Users" from Amazon and expect delivery tomorrow.
> they don't? that sucks. 

In truth it wasn't designed for people to learn linux.  It has an easy
interface, designed for people who just want to browse the web, write an
email or a letter, listen to an mp3 or play a game.  It's laid out in tabs,
Internet, Work, Learn, Play, Settings, Favorites.  It's great for its
intended purpose.  If you want to learn linux you need the 'full desktop',
and the wiki tells you how to do that.  More of that if/when you are ready
for it, Ken.

> I recommend learning man and since you are using kde look at the kde 
> help center.
> open your 'k menu' (like start menu) go to settings > control center. 
> there should be a search tool type in spell. click on the spell 
> checker settings in results. make sure these are what you want.

There is no K menu in the default display.  The easiest way is to use hidden
key shortcut of Ctrl-Alt-T to get up a terminal (called konsole) and then to
type kcontrol.

> http://bayimg.com/pajNOAAbE screenshot of mine
> identity settings in kmail
> http://bayimg.com/pAjNpaabe
> don't forget. when composing options > automatic spellchecking
> I personally think whoever set up the spellchecker stuff should not 
> have put settings in so many places for you to have to get it working 
> as anticipated. it's an overly complex ui. did I miss any possible 
> settings? I probably did, because like I said they are all over the place.
> p.s. anne said that xandros has ispell installed by default.

It is indeed, but now I see what Ken's problem is.  In kmail it says that
"ISpell/Aspell could not be started. Please make sure you have ISpell or
Aspell properly configured and in your PATH".

mlocate is not an installed package, which makes searching harder.  On this
laptop 'locate ispell' points to

locate ispell

I would have thought that they were being called by kmail, so not required
to be in my $PATH.  On the EeePC there are directories called
/usr/lib/aspell and /usr/lib/ispell.  However, they don't appear to have
files matching mine above.

I suspect that this is going to need taking to the EeePC User forum, Default
Xandros Linux, http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewforum.php?id=2

There's some good helpful people there.  The other site you should bookmark
is http://wiki.eeeuser.com/

Hope that helps


Caleb & Anne, thanks for the suggestions.  I have been on both the Eee Users
Forum and the Eee User Wiki and did not find anything applicable.  I have
been unsuccessfully attempting to register for the Asus Mambers group as I
would expect that one of their tech people might (?) be able to assist.  I
now have the Eee PC doing everything that I expected of it as a stable,
compact and light computer capable of surviving travel on my motorcycle in
North America and Europe.  I do send frequent and sometimes detailed
"travelogue" e-mail messages so the spell checker would be very helpful.
(For longer messages I can compose in Open Office, spell check, and then
paste to the email message, if necessary.)


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