(kdenlive) Save render queue and continue on recover

jdd at dodin.org jdd at dodin.org
Thu Feb 9 09:22:23 GMT 2023

Le 09/02/2023 à 09:46, Narcis Garcia a écrit :
> Hello,
> Is there some way to save render queue with the project, and recover it
> and continue on next session?

I'm not sure, but kdenlive start a new job for each session, so if you 
close the main window the background jobs continue running (openSUSE linux).

of course is the power fails, this don't works again. What about an UPS?

> I queue very often the render of timeline segments in a single project,

same here, up to around 7 or 8. After it's too bad if I notice an error 
on the rendered clip :-(

it's one of the strength of kdenlive

> When I open project on next session, I can't go back and launch
> different renders of previous timeline states.

I save as kdenlive project each clip rendered, to be able to edit is as 
new if necessary.

My workflow. I mostly record such things (here, reduced quality for net 


my daughter singing :-))


I start with full record (up to 4 hours), then cut to clips.

I start the project and save the initial project. cut uninteresting 
start (for example before the show start), then search manually for the 
end of the first clip and cut the timeline and delete the end of the 
track, so keeping only the clip. I save this as project-001, then start 
the clip rendering.

Then I issue a Control z to undelete the end of the clip, save the 
present situation as project-002, then delete the first clip from the 
timeline and process like this until the end.

If ever there is a problem in one of the clip (seen after rendering), I 
can open the project-xxx file and correct.

same if the computer crash

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