Audio 3-4 frames out of sync in timeline

vincent vincent at
Wed May 20 21:52:11 BST 2020

Hi everyone,

Whenever I playback video with audio in the timeline, the audio lags 
behind. To test this, I created a beep sound and a white color slide 
(both with a duration of 2 frames) and put them on the same spot in the 
timeline. All the other videos I edit have a fixed framerate but have 
the same problem.

When I render the video, the sound is in sync. Only preview playback in 
Kdenlive lags. On a sidenote: Flowblade and Shotcut have the same issue. 
Has anybody experienced this? And were you able to fix it? I used a 
scaled down (360px) project monitor for smooth playback.

*kind regards,*
*Vincent Groeneveld*
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