Align to Audio does not show processing status in GUI

andres tello andres.tello at
Sun Sep 22 20:57:23 BST 2019

OOO.. Agree with the window log...

And for example I hate notifications, sometimes they become a plague... a
window log would be nice..

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 2:49 PM DogFilm <videobrain at> wrote:

> I am using the latest 19.08.1 and I can see no "processing audio" message.
> Also the final message disappears after a few seconds, so you can guess
> that something happened if you remember the position of clips exactly - not
> really usable with more than ten clips...
> Re "no feedback means no error" - yes, on the command line that might be
> the usual convection, but a gui needs a feedback while it is doing
> something, I guess that is not really a new thing in software development :)
> Speaking "Linux style" actually I would prefer a log file in a log window
> - that could then also be the base for scripting kdenlive, but that is
> another discussion...
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