MLT to Ardour

Camille Moulin camille.moulin at
Fri Jun 14 17:11:25 BST 2019


That's really cool: thanks & congrats !


Le 14/06/2019 à 17:47, François Téchené a écrit :
> Hi,
> For my latest video project, that I have edited with Kdenlive, I wanted
> to edit the audio, the proper way, using Ardour.
> So I made a Python script to export my Kdenlive project to Ardour. I
> needed my edit timeline in Ardour so I could cross fade my audio cuts in
> Ardour.
> Here is the repository :
> Feel free to use it as a base to integrate the feature in Kdenlive (that
> would be awesome!)
> You can also check the making of this project, that I made with free
> software only :
> Thank you!
> Fran??ois

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