Interest in supporting Tangent Colorgrading Panels? LiftGammaGain Widget reset bug

Michael Hirczy mi.hi at
Tue Nov 13 08:54:49 GMT 2018

>Hello Michael and welcome!

Thx a lot, Jean-Baptiste!

>Nice. Any improvment is welcome. We just need to make sure that all code is open source and that we don't have to include headers from their SDK >that has an incompatible license.

No problem in this scenario. Tangent designed their own hub-software, which talks to the hardware itself.
The application (kdenlive) talks to the hub through a socket connection with given protocol, so all communication to the hub has to be implemented by myself.
So no SDK, no include headers (except the self-written).

The only thing I'm going to ask Tangent, is to make the Linux version of their Hub-software available on the website.
Or maybe we can get the admit to include it in kdenlive's download package.
At the moment, only the development package has the Linux hub included.

>Also, we should try to think of a reusable architecture, allowing future hardware to be added to the implementation in the future.

I thought quite some time about this :)
Because I'm not very good at C++/Qt coding yet, I decided to use the already implemented widgets and make small changes there.

My goal at the end, once I managed Qt better, would have been some kind of "full functional color grading widget", like the Lumetri Color Panel in Premiere:

Should I create a "feature idea" on phabricator?

>> technically talking to the tangent panels is not too complicated, 
>> since all communication is done though their hub-software, which has 
>> socket based communication with the application.
>> I first wanted to start with the loftgammagain widget, it would need 
>> some slight modifications, at the moment it‘s 100% mouse controlled, 
>> so I‘d do some wrapper methods to make adjustments possible through 
>> code.
>> nothing fancy for starters... :)

>Seems like a good start. Please use the refactoring_timeline git branch if possible since it's where all the code changes have been pushed since 2 years, >and is targeted for an april 2019 release.

ok, I'll change to refactoring.


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