OpenTimelineIO: post-production exchange format from Pixar

alcinos french.ebook.lover at
Sat May 19 08:57:43 UTC 2018

Hi all,

The project seems interesting, and could open easy integrations with other
softwares. We should try to assess if this project is also used in the FOSS
community, because the github only mentions commercial softwares.
One drawback is that everything seems to be in python, but we should be
able to workaround that if we want to be able to read/write to this format.

However, this will not be the format that kdenlive uses at its core in the
forseeable future. Kdenlive's format is tied to MLT, which provides
numerous advantages in terms of writing, parsing and intercompability.
The "generation 3" of the project format mentionned in the document is
simply due to the fact that we changed a bit the way we use MLT behind the
scenes (to allow for new features eventually, like same-track transitions),
hence the XML will look slightly different, but it will remain a MLT XML.


2018-05-18 21:05 GMT+02:00 farid abdelnour <snd.noise at>:

> 2018-05-18 0:50 GMT-03:00 Sam Muirhead <sam at>:
>> Hi everyone, long time no see :)
> Hi Sam, indeed! Hope you are well.
>> I read about Pixar's post-production exchange format, OpenTimelineIO, and
>> instantly thought of Kdenlive:
>> I posted on the forum about it too:
>> c.php?f=265&t=152489
>> It's new to me, but maybe not for others - has anyone looked into whether
>> OTIO may be suitable exchange format for Kdenlive projects to
>> export/import? Have you discussed it before?
> Had seen other Pixar stuff used in Blender but never this. Will definitely
> look into it. :)
>> It might be something to think about for the post-refactor future, it
>> would be wonderful to be able to exchange cuts with other editors, as well
>> as different parts of the post-production pipeline - audio, animation, vfx
>> etc.
> At the sprint we discussed ways to integrate Kdenlive with other programs
> and it is in the roadmap.[1] Do you know how adopted this is in the
> industry?
> [1]
> Thanks for sharing
> Cheers :D
>> ----
>> Sam Muirhead
>> Open Source / Video
> --
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