R: Re: Output XDCAM footage with kdenlive

Jogchum Reitsma j.reitsma at hccnet.nl
Sat Apr 28 19:02:00 UTC 2018


If I use the parameters you mention below, rendering is stuck right at 
the beginning. The error message reads

[mp4 @ 0x7f526c000f00] Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to 
muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead. [mp4 @ 
0x7f526c000f00] Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers 
is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead. [mp4 @ 0x7f526c000f00] 
Could not find tag for codec pcm_s16be in stream #1, codec not currently 
supported in container [consumer avformat] Could not write header 

I tried to switch the codec to pcm_s16le, one that is mentioned in one 
of the mlt-6 consumer profiles, but that made no difference.

Btw, where can I get info about the parameter values? E.g., what does 
"g=12" mean?

Op 25-04-18 om 22:49 schreef Massimo Stella:
> <...>
> You can try to do this by using this parameters:
> f=mp4 vcodec=mpeg2video g=12 vb=35M acodec=pcm_s16be ar=48000
> <...>

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