A topic for your sprint: A couple of improvements for Kdenlive.org

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Tue Apr 24 19:27:50 UTC 2018


As per Jean-Baptiste's request, I am sending you a couple of observations 
about kdenlive.org that you may like to discuss during your sprint.

The promo team unanimously agrees that Kdenlive could be huge. It looks 
professional; technical problems of the past that made it unstable or slow 
seem to have been solved; it is easy to use and is well-designed. Plus the 
plugin system means that it can only grow with regards to filters and 

The website looks good and is professionally laid out, but it could be more 
helpful to casual users (that is, people who land on your site who do not 
already know Kdenlive). This is important, since the website is your display 
to the rest of the world.

You can make sure you capture the attention of casual visitors and maybe 
improve search results with a few simple changes:

* Landing/Home page:

1.- Include in a prominent position a one- or two-sentence description of what 
Kdenlive can do for users. For example:

> Kdenlive lets you edit movies by allowing you to visually "cut up" clips and 
apply affects and transitions to them. It is free, it is open source and works 
on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Or something like that.

When I say "Prominent position", I mean this text should be placed on the 
landing page, in quite a big font, and located so the visitor does not have to 
scroll down to see it.

I have included an image which shows where a good place would be.

Notice that currently there is no description of what Kdenlive is on the 
landing page.

2.- Instead of a cut out part of the interface, include a clear, high 
resolution, non-distorted image of Kdenlive's interface in the header of the 
page. This will complement the description and give visitors a better idea of 
what they should expect from Kdenlive. 

* "About" page:

1.- Change the description of what Kdenlive is from:

> "Kdenlive is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor. It is primarily 
aimed at the GNU/Linux platform but also works on BSD and MacOS. It is 
currently being ported to Windows as a GSOC project.
> Non-linear video editing is much more powerful than beginners’ (linear) 
editors, hence it requires a bit more organization before starting. However, 
it is not reserved to specialists and can be used for small personal 


> "Kdenlive is a "non-linear video editor". This means it lets you to lay out 
multiple video and audio clips simultaneously on several tracks. You can cut 
from one to another or add transitions, allowing you to make professional-
looking full-length videos. You can also add filters and special effects to 
your videos to make them more arresting.
> Kdenlive is free open source software and works on Linux, Windows and 

* Download page

1.- Is damn near perfect. Great layout, clear links.

Have fun during the sprint.



P.S.: When are you going to be in Seville?
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