Latest stable AppImage

Jogchum Reitsma j.reitsma at
Fri Apr 20 08:04:04 UTC 2018

Op 19-04-18 om 21:28 schreef Harald Albrecht:
> Hi Jogchum,
> 18.08 is the separate refactoring branch using projects files (yet) 
> incompatible with the stable series and thus 18.04. So, yes, this is 
> by design. Also, older Kdenlive releases can't read projects which 
> bear a higher format version than they support themselves. Usually, 
> new project features were introduced withe new releases, and thus the 
> project format version bumped up. However, newer versions can read 
> older version up to a certain level. This does not apply or only very 
> limited to the refactoring branch.
> Best regards,
> Harald
OK, thanks for the explanation.

I suppose focus of developers is now on bringing 18.04 to the final 
release. I haven't found a  roadmap for the following release(s); the 
roadmap on the wiki had it's last update in august 2015, it says, and 
the link to the Kanboard on that page is dead. Is a time schedule for 
18.08 available?

Best regards, Jogchum
> <...>
> Hi,
> With this release, I can't open projects created with 
> kdenlive-18.08-beta0.AppImage. It reports
>     This project type is unsupported (version 0.97) and can't be loaded.
>     Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version.
> Is this by design, or is something going wrong?
> regards, Jogchum Reitsma

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