How to commit a change to LiftGammaGain effect?

Dušan Hanuš hanus at
Fri Sep 8 13:28:57 UTC 2017


I modified the Lift Gamma Gain effect so that I can select negative Lift 
values (which for me as an editor is absolute must so that I don't need 
to use another --and slow-- effects like Bezier Curves etc.)

Now if I wanted to share the commit, how do I do that? (I'm not very 
experienced developer, so please could you describe it as specifically 
as possible?)

I imagine it must be reviewed somehow...

And there's one more thing. This effect is actually two parts - a 
QWidget and a MLT effect which unfortunately does not handle negative 
values greatly and must be modified too.

So I guess MLT is completely different project and I have to ask there, 

Thank you!

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