Can I extract frames from bin clips in source frame size instead of project frame size?

farid abdelnour snd.noise at
Tue Sep 5 21:44:05 UTC 2017

Ooops, that is a brazilian expression, I hope it didn't offend. :P

2017-09-05 18:43 GMT-03:00 farid abdelnour <snd.noise at>:

> JB is the man! :)
> 01ff6cddb7359b573583bc7b577b8b9069e81998
> 2017-09-02 12:12 GMT-03:00 Harald Albrecht <harald.albrecht at>:
>> The title says it all: (how) can I extract frames from bin clips in
>> source frame size instead of project frame size?
>> The background of my question: my projects use the standard FullHD
>> 1920x1080 frame size. However, some of my source footage comes from a
>> tablet and are shot -- on purpose! -- in portrait mode(*). This footage is
>> in 1600x2560 resolution, which is the native screen resolution of the
>> tablet the footage comes from.
>> (*) vertical video syndrome ... nah! :)
>> As I need to mix this screen footage with screen still extracted from
>> this footage, I need to have the extracted frames to be of the same
>> dimensions as the screen video footage. Otherwise, ugly blurring kicks in,
>> and while the video source footage looks crisp after getting scaled down to
>> FullHD, the extracted frames look clearly visibly blurred.
>> Is there a way within Kdenlive to extract frames from bin footage in
>> original resolution instead of project resolution?
>> At the moment, I need to first extract the frames in "low" project
>> resolution. When the timeline edit is fine, I start a dummy project with a
>> custom profile 1600x2560 10:19, and then extract the same frames again,
>> this time in full resolution. Refreshing the existing project, the quality
>> then gets good. But this is a hassle...
>> Best regards,
>> Harald
> --
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