Injecting metadata in rendering profile?

Evert Vorster evorster at
Sun Aug 27 10:14:33 UTC 2017

Hi there.

I am finally in a position to edit spherical vr video in kdenlive.
To save myself an extra step, I would like to set the metadata for the
video as spherical in kdenlive already.
To do this in ffmpeg is pretty easy:

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -metadata:s:v spherical-video='<rdf:SphericalVideo
xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:GSpherical="">
</rdf:SphericalVideo>' -acodec copy -vcodec-copy out.mkv

The drawback of this approach is that it is an extra step, and involves
copying the entire video.

Unfortunately, everything in between < and > are stripped out of my profile
by kdenlive's parser when I try to create the profile in kdenlive.

How do I create an kdenlive rendering profile that is equivalent to the
ffmpeg command above?

Kind regards,
Evert Vorster
Isometrix Acquistion Superchief
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