Ambiguity of "clip"

Vincent Pinon vpinon at
Wed Aug 23 16:05:02 UTC 2017

Le mercredi 23 août 2017, 13:08:28 CEST Camille Moulin a écrit :
> Hi Evert,
> Le 23/08/2017 à 11:25, Evert Vorster a écrit :
> > Hi there, Camille.
> >
> > What would you suggest these be called?
> >
> > I suppose the term clip comes from the days where film was still on 
> > actual film, and scenes were "clipped" from a roll.
> > In this sense, "clips" on the timeline would be the more correct term, 
> > whereas "footage" is the more correct term for the items in the 
> > project folder.
> >
> > Just to make things more interesting, both terms can refer to exactly 
> > the same thing...
> >
> I looked at other video editors and they also seem to have this 
> ambiguous use of the word. So, I'm not sure there is any good and easy 
> solution to this problem.
> I would personally lean toward something along the lines that you 
> mentioned: keeping "clip" for instances in the timeline and finding 
> something else for the bin clips (I'm not sure "footage"  would fit 
> grammatically).
> Cheers,
> Camille

I usually speak of "source media" for the items in the project bin
(as footage means only video for me, but sounds, titles, pictures etc fall into "media").
I somtimes name "cuts" the parts of media that are pasted on the timeline.

I think the best is to stick to terminologies used in other established editors,
so that newcomers are not surprised.


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