raise properties pane

Evert Vorster evorster at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 17:58:47 UTC 2016

I missed the previous behavior of the properties automatically selecting
when clicking on a clip.
Thanks for making this customizable, everybody's workflow is different, and
Kdenlive is quite accomodating in this regard.

Kind regards,

On 24 September 2016 at 18:55, Harald Albrecht <harald.albrecht at gmx.net>

> Hi Evert, Jesse, all,
> a quick note so your blood pressure doesn't raise with the properties pane
> with the recent git master commit :)
> We've now made the "raise properties" configurable, you'll find three new
> checkboxes in the config dialog, tab timeline. Select those timeline
> elements which, when selected, should raise the props. We default now to
> the classic Kdenlive behavior, that is, raising on clips, transitions,
> tracks. Just untick "clips" and you're set.
> Best regards,
> Harald

Evert Vorster
Isometrix Acquistion Superchief
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