Snap package for testing

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle jb at
Thu Oct 6 19:38:46 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I just made my Kdenlive snap package available. I am interested in feedback 
so for those who want to give it a try, you will find the install 
instructions below.

The snap package contains the latest development versions (git master) of 
MLT, Frei0r, vid.stab, OpenCV and Kdenlive.

Since some issues remain to be fixed in the snap packaging format, the 
package is in "development mode" which means it is not listed on the Ubuntu 
Store and you need to pass a special flag to install it.

"Development mode" means that the package has full access to your system 
like any normal application and does not run in the contained environment 
provided by the snap format.

You can install the package on supported distributions using the following 

sudo snap install --edge --force-dangerous --devmode kdenlive-devel

The "force-dangerous" flag is required because the package is in devmode. 
The snap application can be started from the terminal with 
"kdenlive-devel". You can remove it with:

sudo snap remove kdenlive-devel

This installation does not touch your system's libraries or installed 
versions of Kdenlive, MLT or Frei0r so it nice to test the latest git.

This is currently in test, so I don't want to spread it too much until we 
have more feedback.


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