[kdenlive] kdenlive deleted /home

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle jb at kdenlive.org
Wed May 25 21:23:54 UTC 2016

On Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:21:43 PM CEST, farid abdelnour wrote:
> i commented over at aur that it is probably this commit:
> https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdenlive.git&a=commit&h=d9b73c74a0b6725d1455558d5a3cb244b7e812cf
> maybe jb can give us a light on this issue.

Hello Farid, all

I am absolutely sorry to hear that. I cannot exclude that Kdenlive's git 
master did delete an incorrect directory.

Some code for directory deletion without safety check was active last 
sunday for about 6 hours before I added a check. I had some doubts about 
the code but was not at that time aware that it could delete a home 

Checking now, I think it is possible that this led to deletion of a home 
directory, I am really sorry if anyone experienced data loss.

I just added a double check in the code in the few places where we delete a 
directory so that this cannot happen again.

I guess I should add a warning somewhere that despite doing my best, using 
git master can be dangerous...

Oh I feel bad. :(

> 2016-05-25 15:35 GMT-03:00 Evert Vorster <evorster at gmail.com>:
> The package has been unmodified for about a year now. I will 
> investigate once I am close to a computer again.
> It seems very strange that installing a package will erase any directory. ..
> On May 25, 2016 7:23 PM, "farid abdelnour" <snd.noise at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Over at archlinux we have had two people (one of them me) where 
> after installing kdenlive-git the /home data gets deleted.
> I don't know if this is due to the package of kdenlive at 
> archlinux or something caused by kdenlive itself (although i 
> doubt it.)
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kdenlive-git/#news
> Cheers

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