[kdenlive] GSoC - Porting to Windows

Kamalpreet Grewal grewalkamal005 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 07:02:10 UTC 2016


I am Kamalpreet Kaur, computer science graduate student from India. I
got excited to see Kdenlive in GSoC again this year. I am interested
in the “Porting to Windows (and OSX?)” project.

I have used Kdenlive on Linux and being a Windows user I would love to
see it running on Windows OS.

I have experience with C++ and Qt as well as bash scripting. I do know
the basics of Batch scripting in Windows, although I need to delve
deeper into it for the purpose of this project, which is again going
to be a good learning experience for me.

I saw on the kdenlive website that Kdenlive is available on Mac OS X
through MacPorts and from the feedback on the forum, many have been
able to build it. So I guess bug fixing is needed in this regard?

Is there anything that I need to do beforehand or shall I start
drafting my proposal?

Waiting for your reply.

P.S: I hope I am not too late, I just saw the project listed on KDE
ideas’ list page.

Kamalpreet Kaur Grewal
Blog: http://kamalpreetgrewal.com/

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