[kdenlive] Introducing Joseph, working on Kdenlive Windows port for GSoC

Vincent Pinon vpinon at kde.org
Mon Apr 25 22:07:14 UTC 2016


It's a pleasure to share the good news with you: Joseph's project to work on Kdenlive port to Windows has been validated by KDE (thanks for sharing the slots) & Google.
Joseph had already made this offer last year, but we were not ready on our side... With the Qt5/KF5 port behind us, it is a great new step to climb!
Meanwhile he had been working for KDE on Kopete, so he already knows our environment, tools and community.

I will try to answer his questions regarding development, you may help too here, but also I hope in testing the earliest binaries whenever they would come?!

So please welcome him in our group, and be sure we will inform you for every progress we make...



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